Technology News

FDA Approves Roche’s Biomarker Test for At-Risk HPV Infections


Earlier this week, Roche announced that the FDA approved its CINtec PLUS Cytology as the first biomarker-based triage test for women whose primary cervical cancer screening results are positive for the...

MassBio, Bayer Launch Center for Startups in the Biotech Space


MassBio and Bayer recently announced the Center for Regulatory Excellence, a first-of-its-kind forum that will be open to all startups and academia in the biotech and digital health space to learn from...

Machine Learning Moves the Needle on Personalized Antidepressants


A machine learning algorithm can predict whether an individual is likely to benefit from sertraline treatment using a neural signature, findings published Monday in Nature Biotechnology...

GAO Backs Machine Learning in Drug Development


The Government Accountability Office unveiled a report on Tuesday that identifies challenges and opportunities with the use of machine learning throughout the drug development lifecycle.  Machine...

FDA Taps Google Cloud for Real World Evidence Use


With industry’s growing use of real-world evidence in drug development and discovery, the Food and Drug Administration is looking to encourage further use of real-world data by having its...

250K Docs Using Drug Price Transparency Tools, Benefits Checkers


Nearly a quarter of a million providers are using a point-of-care drug price transparency tool and benefits checker when prescribing patients a medication, a considerable step up in recent years,...

Data Analytics Key in 2020 Pharmaceutical Industry Predictions


As data becomes readily available and digital tools present opportunities to optimize patient and consumer relationships, pharmaceutical companies will tap the technologies necessary to boost their...